Chabot-Las Positas Community College District issued the following announcement.
The Las Positas College (LPC) Phi Beta Lambda Business Club received multiple awards at the Virtual State Fall Business Leadership Conference held virtually by California Phi
Beta Lambda - Future Business Leaders of America earlier this month.
The conference featured a SCI-Fi theme and included opportunities to learn business development skills, compete in a real-world case competition, participate to win a Speech
competition regarding leadership, and the opportunity to network with individuals from other campuses.
Participating schools included the following:
Berkeley City College
Cerritos College
College of the Canyons
Diablo Valley College
Las Positas College
University of California, Riverside
University of California, San Diego
"The group of students who lead the club this year are committed to engagement and have worked hard to ensure all students had access and the ability to participate not only in
the conference, but the business club," said Dr. Tracey Coleman, LPC Phi Beta Lambda/Business Club Advisor. "I am proud to work with such dedicated students that strive for
excellence." The LPC Phi Beta Lambda Business Club competed in case studies presenting a solution to a real-world problem with their teams to judges, and STIIVE (Sharing
Thoughts Regarding Innovative Ideas, Vision, and Experiences) Competitions, similar to TED Talks, in which four students from different colleges presented a timed speech that was voted on by viewers. The audience favorite was won by LPC student Rio Penn-Grice on the topic 'What leadership qualities do you think are most important in a time like this?'
for his presentation on the values of leadership and the importance of communication through authenticity.
Additional awards included:
Case Studies
Business Management - First place
Hened Malak, Justin Lim, Suraj Suresh, Brian To
Business Ethics/Leadership - First place
Manav Patel, Anna Chuang, Emma Caufield, Sophia Xing
Financial Analysis- Second Place
Seth Suchan, Parth Bhagwat
Marketing - Second Place
Amanda Zhang, Yanran Yan, Maham Khawar, Rio Penn-Grice, Mihir Srivastava
Strive (Ted/Talk)
Audience Favorite: Rio Penn-Grice
Chapter Awards
Best membership growth
Autumn start chapter
Best zoom background
Original source can be found here.