Chabot-Las Positas Community College District issued the following announcement.
LPC 'Talk Hawks' Take First Place Overall at Diablo Valley College's Virtual Tournament
The Las Positas College (LPC) Talk Hawk forensic team earned their biggest win yet at the 2020 The DVC Thing tournament hosted by Diablo Valley
College earlier this month. The team competed against 40 other colleges and universities, representing 11 different states, ultimately finishing in first place overall by
a landslide in the largest tournament attended this year. The tournament, held virtually via, featured a 2-day swing speech with separate debate
competitions each day, ending with a final award ceremony acknowledging awards earned throughout the weekend.
The following list contains the schools finishing in the top 5 and their point totals:
Las Positas College - 127
George Mason University - 50
Bradley University - 46
University of Texas, Austin - 44
El Camino College - 39
The current pandemic leading all tournaments to switch to virtual models has created unique challenges including mitigating poor internet connections and ensuring all
technology is working properly from afar. Jim Dobson, Communications studies instructor and part of the Talk Hawk coaching staff, noted that though these times are
difficult, the skills the students are learning toward transitioning to a more virtual environment will prepare them for future success. "Myself and the rest of the Talk Hawk coaching
staff, including Natalie Kellner and Tim Keisler, have been lucky to have such a great group of students that are providing support and connection with each other at a time when it
is difficult to maintain that," said Dobson. Students winning individual awards were:
Ashley Eastman
2nd Place - Communication Analysis
6th Place - Persuasive Speaking
Castro Valley
Danny Georgiev
4th Place - Prose Interpretation
4th Place - Duo Interpretation (with Alejandra)
6th Place - Dramatic Interpretation
Nez Hasanly
1st Place - Novice After Dinner Speaking
4th Place - Novice Informative Speaking
Marius Mayer (Foriegn exchange student from Germany)
1st Place - Novice Informative Speaking
2nd Place - Novice Impromptu Speaking
Alejandra Quezada-Sermeno
1st Place - Novice Prose Interpretation
2nd Place - Novice Poetry Interpretation
3rd Place - Novice Impromptu Speaking
4th Place - Duo Interpretation (with Danny)
Brennan Mock
3rd Place - Speaker for the entire tournament
2nd Place - Extemporaneous Speaking
2nd Place - Prose Interpretation
3rd Place - Impromptu Speaking
Alexis Bondarenko
6th Place Informative Speaking
David Valadez
3rd Place - Duo Interpretation (with Casey)
4th Place - After Dinner Speaking
Adrianna Marquez
Casey Hamilton
1st Place - Informative Speaking
3rd Place - Duo Interpretation (with David)
Rameesha Muhammad
2nd Place - Novice Informative Speaking
The Forensics program is the official designation for the Las Positas College Speech Team. In a typical year, this academically competitive program travels locally, nationally and internationally to compete at tournaments. The Forensics program started at LPC in 1975.
Original source can be found here.