Mountain Oaks Schools issued the following announcement.
The second i-Ready testing window opens on Monday, November 30 and will be open through December 18. This i-Ready testing in Math and Reading is required for students in
grades 3-8 so the next time they log in to i-Ready the tests will appear. Students in Grades K-2 aren't required to test however if you wish to have them test, please let your mentor
teacher know and they can assign the tests for them. Click article title for more information.
To test your students at home, please pay attention to the following:
Watch this six-minute video BEFORE you test your child and follow all guidelines in the video called The i-Ready Diagnostic and how it works. Here is a link to the video:
Review this checklist and list of supportive phrases you can use with your child during the test if needed. They can be accessed here:
Your child's username is first name. last and their password is their student number (, 123456)
Let your mentor know when your child has finished a test and they can send you the results.
Original source can be found here.